I looked at a bunch of instructional design job listings
For one month, I noted the instructional design job listings that appeared on indeed.com in order to gain a better understanding of what the industry wants regarding tech tools. This was really eye opening. In comparing university job postings to those in the private sector, universities prize applicants who have deep knowledge of LMSs (Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, etc.). Private sector jobs appear to prioritize design software (Adobe Creative Cloud, Articulate Storyline).
In general, the most sought after tech tools appear to be (in descending order): Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft Office, Articulate Storyline, LMSs, Adobe Captivate, Camtasia, HTML/CSS. Many more pop up with high frequency, but these appear the most.
Why did I spend all of this time doing this? Well, I guess I just wanted a better understanding of what’s on the market in instructional design. I can say that I got that, and I found some pretty interesting looking jobs at the same time!